
Þýðing á eurovisionlaginu!

Ég fékk áðan senda "þýðingu" á Til hamingju Ísland eftir e-n Eyvind Karlsson. Mér fannst sú þýðing alls ekki fullkomin svo ég fékk alter-egóið mitt, Lingerine, til að gera betur. Lingerine fór í algjöran ham og hér birtist ykkur afraksturinn, sem mér finnst bara ansi góður, þó svo hann sé sjálfur ekkert fullkominn!

Komið þessu endilega til Ágústu Evu og Þorvalds ef þið getið! :D

Root For Me, Iceland

Hey you, disgustingly cool, I am talking to you
I am Silvía Night, shining in the light, I know you feel me too
Born in reykjavík, I am very chic, not some out of town-freak
I'll beat the rest, I'm the fucking best, there's no chance for the others

So root for me Iceland, I'm God's gift to you,
I am Silvía Night and you love what I do
Eurovision nation's gonna flip when they see
I'll kick all their asses, it's all about me!


My song, way above the rest, not some 90s reject
It's the best, ok, it is very gay, I'm coming here to stay
All the bitchy queens have two extra chins, but I'm a virgin
You all love me, you all want me (yoouuuu), but I'm so way above you

So root for me Iceland, I'm God's gift to you,
I am Silvía Night and you love what I do
Eurovision nation's gonna flip when they see
I'll kick all their asses, it's all about me!


Iceland, root for her, iceland ... root for her, iceland ... root for her, iceland

ring ring ring
ring ring ring
ring ring ring
ring ring ring

So root for me Iceland, I'm God's gift to you,
I am Silvía Night and you love what I do
Eurovision nation's gonna flip when they see
I'll kick all their asses, it's all about me!

So root for me Iceland, I'm God's gift to you,
I am Silvía Night and you love what I do,
Eurovision nation, you're going to see
just how big a star I am, they all love me!


höf. Lingerine

Á ég ekki bara að fara memm til Afríku/Argentínu/Aþenu? Hmmmm :D


At 10:37 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

u rock and lick lingerine

At 12:14 f.h., Blogger Atli Sig said...

Er það ekki chic frekar en sheek?

Annars brill þýðing hjá Lingerine.

At 9:29 f.h., Blogger Lingur said...

Of course, as in "satin chic" ;)

þessu verður breytt!

At 1:28 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Þetta er feit þýðing, settu hana á bloggið hennar Silvíu Nóttar/Nætur og sjáum hvað gerist, ég bara finn ekki bloggið aftur annars myndi ég skilja eftir slóðina. ;)

At 5:09 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

shakira myndi vera stoltur af þér! þó hún sé haldin kyngervis-usla tekur stundum kyngervisbælingin yfirhöndina og þá kann það að meta góða tónlist og tungumálameðferð sem sæmir siggu og dorrit til samans!

kveðja amanda!

At 5:11 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...


ég hlæ

að mér



At 2:42 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

At 6:01 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.


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